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A Chance for Eli
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"If they don't remove the tumor from my head soon, I will lose this battle!"
Hi, I'm Eli. I'm only 12, and once I was a normal kid like everyone else.Until one day I didn't feel well. The doctor sent me to run some tests and we found out that I have a brain tumor. This tumor is growing and spreading inside my head affecting the entire nervous system. That's why it's hard for me to say long sentences, I'm stuttering, and my vision is deteriorating all the time and it scares me a lot.
Every day I wonder how long until I lose my sight for good. Because of the cancer, I sometimes feel that I'm a burden on my parents, because when you have a head tumor, your whole family is sick with you. It's the scariest thing in the world to know that inside my head there's a ticking bomb. I'm just a kid. The doctors say the only chance to save me is to get the tumor out of my head. And it must happen urgently otherwise it will be too late. There is a hospital in the US specializing in this kind of surgery, but this surgery costs a lot of money and my parents don't have it ...
I look at my Dad's sad face, how he's trying to support the family working from dawn to sunset and in between takes me to more tests and treatments. I'm sure his heart breaks every time he thinks about my suffering. And my mom, who fights for my life and never gives up or gives in. Although she keeps telling me that I will soon be fine and that I will heal and go back to being a normal kid, at night when everything is quiet, I can hear her cry. I didn't tell her anything about it, but my heart broke.
If they don’t remove the tumor soon, I won't have the energy to keep fighting and eventually lose this battle. I'm worried that the costs of my treatments will make my family lose everything they have.
The surgery that will save my life is really expensive and my family has no money to pay for it. So I only have to pray that good people like you will donate and we can raise enough money to keep me alive, because I'm really scared to die.
Who's willing to save me? Please don’t leave me and my family alone.
Donation are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of US law
Charitable donations processed for this campaign are received and distributed through Ashreinu INC., a fully registered Tax-Exempt charity 501(c)3, EIN #: 83-3978337.
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About us:
Hatzalah-Because Every Second Counts is facilitating the family’s fundraising campaign to sponsor the surgeries.
Cantact us:
According to the rules of the organization, in the event that donation funds reaches beyond the needs of that specific cause, those funds will be referred to similar cases in the organization's care and in accordance with its objectives.
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US$ 48,623
Raised by 1454 People
29% of US$ 170,000 Goal
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